Darmor Tapidor
This page collects the files for
pseudo-molecules collections of contigs
pseudo-moleculues collections of contigs
Genes and proteins were renamed from the MAKER names to the [Brassica standard|http://www.brassica.info/info/genome_annotation.php]
Tapidor_v63_assembly.all.gff.gz - this contains all unfiltered MAKER gene models as reported by gff3_merge -n -g
Tapidor_v63_assembly.all.maker.proteins.fasta.gz - all unfiltered proteins as reported by fasta_merge
Tapidor_v63_assembly.all.maker.transcripts.fasta.gz - same, but transcripts
Tapidor_v63_assembly.all.maker.proteins_250bp_repeats_filtered.fasta.gz - all proteins as reported by MAKER, removed when covered for more than 50% by a RepBase repeat, or when shorter than 250 bp
Tapidor_v63_assembly.all.maker.transcripts_250bp_repeats_filtered.fasta.gz - same as above but transcripts
Tapidor_v63_assembly.all_250bp_repeats_filtered.gff.gz - same as above but gff3 file