Manuel Zander
From Applied Bioinformatics Group
Academic Achievement
- 2011
- Beginning of PhD candidature
- University of Queensland, St. Lucia, Queensland, Australia
- 2010
- BBiotech with Honours
- Microbiology and Plant Biotechnology
- University of Queensland, St. Lucia, Queensland, Australia
- The goal of my research is to gain understanding into the specific host-pathogen relationship between Brassica species and their pathogen, Leptosphaeria maculans.
- I am currently engaged in determining the extent of genetic diversity between different L. maculans isolates in relation to geographic area and agronomic practice.
- An important part of this work involves studying and characterising the genes that are involved in the specific plant pathogen interaction between Brassica species and L. maculans.
- Dr. Jacqueline Batley
- A/Prof. David Edwards
- Dr. Alice Hayward
Contact Details
- Manuel Zander - PhD Candidate - School of Agriculture & Food Sciences -
- Email:
- John Hines Building (62) Room 221A
- St Lucia QLD 4072 Australia
- Ph: 07 334 (69952)
- Mobile: 0412 46 7114