INTRODUCTION (from paper?)
We have established a Present/Absent Kmer Analysis Pipeline (PAKAP). By reducing each read to component k-mers and comparing the relative abundance of these sub-sequences, we overcome statistical limitations of whole read comparative analysis.
PAKAP consists of a series of scripts written in Perl, Python and Bash scripts and requires Jellyfish [Marcais 2011] as well as optionally SOAPaligner. The scripts are freely available for non-commercial use.
What does PAKAP depend on?
- Jellyfish for fast kmer counting
- Some non-standard Perl modules:
- bioperl
- Bio::SeqIO
- Bio::SearchIO
- Parallel::ForkManager
- Statistics::Descriptive
- Config::IniFiles
- GD::Graph::linespoints (for the script identifyKmerSize)
- bioperl
- Optional: SOAPaligner
- Latest Version 1.0:
How to install?
- Download the [link_here DiffKAP package].
How to run?
- Create your project configuration file by using the example config file. Here it is:
- This should be the path to the directory containing the pipeline scripts.
SCRIPTS_PATH = /ebi/bscratch/jarrah/uqphilippb/2014_4_17_FixPAV/CSR_pipeline
- OPTIONAL: Path to reference
REFERENCE_PATH = /ebi/bscratch/jarrah/uqphilippb/2014_4_17_FixPAV/CSR_pipeline/A.thaliana.whole.fasta
- OPTIONAL: Path to gene annotation on reference
- The path to the local installation of jellyfish (
PATH = /work2/NCISF/MAS/W26/jarrah/apps/bin
- The minimum k-mer size will be checked when KMER_SIZE=AUTO. Default is 5
- The maximum k-mer size will be checked when KMER_SIZE=AUTO, jellyfish limits to the maximum k-mer size to 31. Default is 22
- Number of CPU will be used. Be aware of that the total amount of memory will be shared among all CPUs.
- treatment 1 ID which will be used for naming files
- treatment 2 ID which will be used for naming files
T2_ID=STE OUT_DIR=/ebi/bscratch/jarrah/uqphilippb/2014_4_17_FixPAV/CSR_pipeline/
- directory storing treatment 1 data files. The data files can be fasta or fastq formats.
- directory storing treatment 2 data files. The data files can be fasta or fastq formats.
- Important setting in jellyfish for tuning jellyfish performance. A larger hash size, more memory will be used
- but less sub-count files will be generated. Default is 10000000.
- Size of the jellyfish hash table. Use a size large enough to contain all of the K-mers such that 80% * s > number of distinct K-mers. [Default: 10000000].
- jellyfish_hash_size = 16G
- Length of counter in the hash table. See jellyfish manual for explanation. [Default: 4]
- Number of bases used for splitting the k-mer files into sub-files. A larger number reduces RAM usage. Maximum at the moment is 3. [Default: 2]
- Minimum occurrence count for a k-mer to be considered as a candidate Presence / Absence K-mer. [Default: 4]
MIN_OCC = 4<nowiki>
The command is:
python --s1 ./truncated/truncated_2.150.1sd/truncated_2.150.1sd.R1.fasta ./truncated/truncated_2.150.1sd/truncated_2.150.1sd.R2.fasta --s2 ./whole/whole_2.150.1sd/whole_2.150.1sd.R1.fasta ./whole/whole_2.150.1sd/whole_2.150.1sd.R2.fasta -c default.config -o output_folder/
or, easier:
python --s1 ./truncated/truncated_2.150.1sd/truncated_2.150.1sd.R?.fasta --s2 ./whole/whole_2.150.1sd/whole_2.150.1sd.R?.fasta -c default.config -o output_folder/
This will read the configuration from default.config and generate all output files in output_folder.
How to interpret the results?
- You can download the results of the sample data here.
- Marçais, G. and Kingsford, C. (2011) A fast, lock-free approach for efficient parallel counting of occurrences of k-mers, Bioinformatics, 27, 764-770.
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