Paul Berkman
- BSc in Genetics, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia
- BSc (Honours - First Class) in Biology, University of Southern Queensland, Toowoomba, Australia
- Grad. Cert. in Research Commercialisation, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia
- Doctor of Philosophy, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia
About Me
I started with the ACPFG Bioinformatics Group in March 2009, marking my return to the University of Queensland. Genetics caught my interest early in my undergraduate career as I came to appreciate the intricacies of molecular biology and in 2005 I completed my Bachelor of Science with a Major in Genetics at UQ. After a few years away from scientific pursuits, I undertook my Honours study at the University of Southern Queensland. During Honours, I learnt basic programming while computationally investigating patterns in promoter regions and codon usage in the human genome. Commencing with the ACPFG was a change for me into plant biology where I became absorbed in my PhD, looking at the complexities of plant genomics.
I have since completed my PhD and commenced as an OCE Postdoctoral Fellow with CSIRO Plant Industry, investigating the highly polyploid genome of sugarcane.
Publications (from Edwards lab)
- Marshall DJ, Hayward A, Eales D, Imelfort M, Stiller J, Berkman PJ, Clark T, McKenzie M, Lai K, Duran C, Batley J and Edwards D (2010) Targeted identification of genomic regions using TAGdb. Plant Methods 6:19.
- Duran C, Eales D, Marshall D, Imelfort M, Stiller J, Berkman PJ, Clark T, McKenzie M, Appleby N, Batley J, Basford K and Edwards D (2010) Future tools for association mapping in crop plants. Genome 53:1017-1023.
- Berkman PJ, Skarshewski A, Lorenc MT, Lai K, Duran C, Ling EYS, Stiller J, Smits L, Imelfort M, Manoli S, McKenzie M, Kubaláková M, Šimková H, Batley J, Fleury D, Doležel J and Edwards D (2011) Sequencing and assembly of low copy and genic regions of isolated Triticum aestivum chromosome arm 7DS. Plant Biotechnol Journal 9:768-775.
- The Brassica rapa Genome Sequencing Project Consortium (2011) The genome of the mesopolyploid crop species Brassica rapa. Nature Genetics 43:1035-1039
- Berkman PJ, Skarshewski A, Manoli S, Lorenc MT, Stiller J, Smits L, Lai K, Campbell E, Kubaláková M, Šimková H, Batley J, Doležel J, Hernandez P, and Edwards D (2012) Sequencing wheat chromosome arm 7BS delimits the 7BS/4AL translocation and reveals homoeologous gene conservation. TAG Theoretical and Applied Genetics 124:423-432.
- Lai K, Berkman PJ, Lorenc MT, Duran C, Smits L, Manoli S, Stiller J, and Edwards D (2012) An integrated database and portal for wheat genome information. Plant & Cell Physiology 53:e2.
- Berkman PJ, Lai K, Lorenc MT and Edwards D (2012) Next generation sequencing applications for wheat crop improvement. American Journal of Botany 99:365-371.
- Lai K, Duran C, Berkman PJ, Lorenc MT, Stiller J, Manoli S, Hayden MJ, Forrest KL, Fleury D, Baumann U, Zander M, Mason AS, Batley J, and Edwards D (2012) Single nucleotide polymorphism from wheat next-generation sequence data. Plant Biotechnol Journal 10:743-749.