Difference between revisions of "Darmor Tapidor"

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Tapidor_v63_assembly.all_250bp_repeats_filtered.gff.gz - same as above but gff3 file
Tapidor_v63_assembly.all_250bp_repeats_filtered.gff.gz - same as above but gff3 file
Name_key.csv.gz - Stores the translation from MAKER names to <i>Brassica</i> consortium names

Revision as of 02:01, 7 March 2016

This page collects the files for



pseudo-molecules collections of contigs


pseudo-moleculues collections of contigs


Genes and proteins were renamed from the MAKER names to the Brassica standard:

<GENUS 1 LETTER> [<species 2 letters>]<GENOME 1 LETTER>|<X>.<Chromosome number (leading zero)>g<5 digit gene model number>.g<version number>g<1 LETTER designating Genotype/line/cultivar>

So "maker-chrC04_contigs_placed_v81-snap-gene-0.93-mRNA-1 protein" becomes BnaC04g31330.2D for Darmor "new version" (of this paper), or BnaC04g31330.1T for Tapidor (first version)


Tapidor_v63_assembly.all.gff.gz - this contains all unfiltered MAKER gene models as reported by gff3_merge -n -g

Tapidor_v63_assembly.all.maker.proteins.fasta.gz - all unfiltered proteins as reported by fasta_merge

Tapidor_v63_assembly.all.maker.transcripts.fasta.gz - all unfiltered transcripts

Tapidor_v63_assembly.all.maker.proteins_250bp_repeats_filtered.fasta.gz - all proteins as reported by MAKER, removed when covered for more than 50% by a RepBase repeat, or when shorter than 250 bp

Tapidor_v63_assembly.all.maker.transcripts_250bp_repeats_filtered.fasta.gz - same as above but transcripts

Tapidor_v63_assembly.all_250bp_repeats_filtered.gff.gz - same as above but gff3 file

Name_key.csv.gz - Stores the translation from MAKER names to Brassica consortium names