Darmor Tapidor

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This page collects the files for Bayer et al. B. napus Darmor/Tapidor genome paper


Collinearity analysis - parses MCScanX results and checks for missing genes in expected regions Collinearity_scripts.zip

LASTZSorter.py - sorts contigs based on LASTZ output LASTZSorter.py

contigPlacer - places contigs based on recombination patterns contigPlacer

R-scripts used for plotting - Venn-diagrams, boxplots R_plotting_scripts.zip


Genetic map from MSTMap

Darmor SNPs anchored on Darmor v8.1 reference

Tapidor SNPs anchored on Tapidor v6.3 reference


List of Transposase related PFAM IDs used for filtering


Tapidor_v63_assembly.fasta.gz - assembly as pseudo-molecules

Filtered annotation

No AED=1 scores, transcripts longer than 100 bp, no Transposase domains

Tapidor_v63_assembly.augustus_masked_filtered.gff.gz - filtered predicted annotation in GFF format

Tapidor_v63_assembly.all.maker.augustus_masked.transcripts_filtered.fasta.gz - filtered predicted transcripts

Tapidor_v63_assembly.all.maker.augustus_masked.proteins_filtered.fasta.gz - filtered predicted proteins

Tapidor_v63_assembly.all.maker.augustus_masked.proteins_Pfam_results.gff.gz - PFam results for filtered predicted proteins


Darmlr_v81_assembly_fasta.gz - assembly as pseudomolecules

Filtered annotation

No AED=1 scores, transcripts longer than 100 bp, no Transposase domains

Darmor_v81_assembly.augustus_masked_filtered.gff.gz - filtered predicted annotation in GFF format

Darmor_v81_assembly.all.maker.augustus_masked.transcripts_filtered.fasta.gz - filtered predicted transcripts

Darmor_v81_assembly.all.maker.augustus_masked.proteins_filtered.fasta.gz - filtered predicted proteins

Darmor_v81_assembly.all.maker.augustus_masked.proteins_Pfam_results.gff.gz - PFam results for filtered predicted proteins