SNPsIntervarietal SNPs btw the reference and 53 B. napus lines:E94197, English_Giant_194, EVVIN, Expert, Fortin, G50, GLuesewitzer, GSchnittkohl, H149, H165, H176, H44, HIY_1, Jupiter, Kromerska, Major, MOY_4, MSL007C, Nunsdale, Olimpiade, OLL1, Pacific, Palu, Pirola, R_13_6, R53, R76, Rapid, Resyn_Go_S4, RS_10_7, RS_4_6, RS_7_6, RS_8_6, S_13, S_39, Savannah, Sensation, Vivol, Wotan, Tapidor, R99, Start and Skziverskij |