Paul Berkman

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  • BSc in Genetics, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia
  • BSc (Honours - First Class) in Biology, University of Southern Queensland, Toowoomba, Australia
  • Grad. Cert. in Research Commercialisation, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia
  • Doctor of Philosophy, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia

About Me

I started with the ACPFG Bioinformatics Group in March 2009, marking my return to the University of Queensland. Genetics caught my interest early in my undergraduate career as I came to appreciate the intricacies of molecular biology and in 2005 I completed my Bachelor of Science with a Major in Genetics at UQ. After a few years away from scientific pursuits, I undertook my Honours study at the University of Southern Queensland. During Honours, I learnt basic programming while computationally investigating patterns in promoter regions and codon usage in the human genome. Commencing with the ACPFG was a change for me into plant biology where I became absorbed in my PhD, looking at the complexities of plant genomics.

I have since completed my PhD and commenced as an OCE Postdoctoral Fellow with CSIRO Plant Industry, investigating the highly polyploid genome of sugarcane.

Publications (from Edwards lab)

Contact Details
